Author Bio
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Virtue is the book-length prose poem, or mystical prayer, that was the catalyst to the author's experiences."
"The modern world needs redemption; and redemption means a return to Nazareth."
-Father Vincent McNabb, O.P.
"Men have forgotten God; that's why all this happened."
-Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Andrew McNabb-Writer
Written in brief, readable segments by Father Vincent’s great-grandnephew, an American Lay Dominican and writer, who infuses his own experiences and gives great insight into the role of family—the McNabb family, and the family in general—Walking with Father Vincent details a remarkable life, while presenting a remedy, of sorts, to our contemporary problems. Through the vehicle of Father Vincent’s legendary walking, the author invites the reader to accompany them both, as he brings current the timeless truth and prophetic insight his great granduncle preached about, wrote about, and lived so dramatically.
Contact Andrew
Inspirations & Lamentations will enable readers to cleanse the doors of perception, so they, too, will see that, as William Blake reminds us, “Everything that lives is holy.”
—Robert Waldron, Author, and Thomas Merton scholar
Andrew McNabb grew up in Massachusetts. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and New York University. Andrew is a Lay Dominican, and the great-grandnephew of Fr. Vincent McNabb, OP, one of the 20th century's truly great men. He lives in Maine.
Walking with Father Vincent is a montage of anecdotes, clippings, thoughts and insights centering around the remarkable life of Father Vincent McNabb, O.P., (d. 1943), perhaps the best-known Dominican Friar of the twentieth century. A fixture on the streets of London for decades, Father Vincent was an ascetic and a prophet, a theologian and a writer, a teacher and a preacher, a debater and a Thomist and, to many, quite possibly, a saint. Yes, Father Vincent was unusual—in holiness, in learning, in love, and even in appearance.
Reviews & Interviews
"...nobody who has ever met or saw or heard Father Vincent has ever forgotten him."
--G.K. Chesterton
Walking with Father Vincent, has recently been released by Gracewing, (U.K.), with an Introduction by Dale Ahlquist, President of the Society of G.K. Chesterton.
A Spiritual Memoir and Prose Poem
"In 8 Days, Andrew McNabb recounts the ecstatic mystical religious experiences that took place in his life over an eight day period in 2011. With literary attention, this career short story writer, husband, and father of four details how he was swept up into a place "not quite here" and "not quite there," a place in which he experienced both the ethereal and the terrifying, the awe-inspiring and the confounding.
Inspirations & Lamentations: Literary Devotions of an Unusual Sort (Arouca Press)
Inspirations & Lamentations is a unique devotional book, combining a depth of spirituality and desire for Him with a fresh, realistic, faith-filled assessment of modern life. Rooted in the blessed mystery of the everyday, Inspirations & Lamentations is composed of one hundred literary—often playful—reflections offering an unusual attention to language and a uniqueness of perspective.
The Body of This
A Short Story Collection
(Re-released in paperback, with four new stories and an introduction by Katy Carl.)
"Every now and then the real thing [McNabb] comes along: a Catholic writer who writes well enough to satisfy literate readers who judge fiction by the canons of fiction, not theology. You recognize him not by his profession of faith...but by his well-crafted works of fiction infused with a sacramental intelligence."
--DEAL HUDSON, Author, Onward Christian Soldiers and An American Conversion
"Andrew McNabb's thought-jabbing vignettes can be as radically transforming as viniculture, turning the water of everyday experience into the wine of life."
-JOSEPH PEARCE, Author, The Quest for Shakespeare
"The Body of This is a tough little bundle of shards that can as easily cut and make you bleed as it can reflect the one true light...Andrew McNabb is a brave storyteller."
"...exquisite..." (in Standpoint Magazine, U.K.)
-PIERS PAUL READ, Author, Alive
Listen to Roy Schoeman, author of Salvation is from the Jews, interview Andrew on his weekly radio show on Radio Maria.
Read Dan Burke's recommendation of 8 Days & Virtue at
Listen to Andrew's interview at Church & Culture on Ave Maria Radio
Reviews of The Body of This:
Crisis Magazine, Dappled Things, The Short Review, Relief Journal, New Blackfriars Review, Bobz Book Reviews, The Weekly Sentinel, A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars, Maine Sunday Telegram (4/12/09), Fr. Robert Barron's Word on Fire (10/10), Gilbert Magazine (Jul/Aug 2009), Portland Press Herald (4/2/09), The Catholic Herald (U.K.) (2009)
The Fine Delight, "The Back Cover," Catholic Radio International; Dappled Things, "Obsessed with What's Next,"; Word of Mouth, New Hampshire Public Radio; This is The Day, CatholicTV; Reading with Robin (WHJJ, Providence, RI); Son Rise Morning Show (Sacred Heart Radio, Cincinnati), Reading of Select Stories: "Cover to Cover," Catholic Radio International
Panel Discussion of The Body of This:
"Cover to Cover," Catholic Radio Int'l, (panelists: Matthew Lickona, Katy Carl and Joseph O'Brien)
Discussion Podcast:
The Craft of Writing in Maine (Maine Humanities Podcast with Lewis Robinson and Lisa Carey)